Looking For My Own Training Classes

“Dog Training, it can’t be that hard right?!” These were the first words I thought when I decided I wanted to make it a career. WRONG. WRONG. WRONG. There is a TON of information on Training dogs. A lot. Maybe more than rearing a child. Okay, MAYBE that’s a stretch, but when you start getting into breed types, temperaments, training styles, theories, puppy imprinting, kennel management, behavior modifications, group training, obedience, agility and a whole slew of other information, it’s enough to make your head start spinning. So, I’m going to dog training school. It’s not necessary to go to school if you want to be a trainer, just a personal choice. I want to know EVERYTHING! I want to be the very best trainer I could possibly be!

Google; Professional Dog Training Schools.
Ohhhhhhhhh. Uuummmmm….
Okay, there are more D.T. Schools out there than I thought. Here is a list of some I have looked into and my OWN personal opinion of them.

ABC – Animal Behavioral College
Let me say, this was the first one I came across and YIKES. I signed up for information and received my FIRST phone call within an hour and my FIRST email within seconds. These people seemed desperate to get me to attend their school. I REALLY started digging into their program and felt a little skeptical about online courses and their general methods. So, I did my favorite thing in the whole world! I googled reviews on their business. (I’m a review JUNKIE) Turns out people who attended their school were not pleased at all. No hands on training, the methods of training were unethical and the certificate was pretty much unrecognized and held no value and it’s about $3500! Sounds like a waste of my hard-earned money! Lots of people felt this way, time to ditch this idea and fast. However, ABC had different plans. I think I have totaled about 15 e-mails and 15 calls since signing up. Desperate is not attractive ABC! Move on, it’s over.

TRS – Tom Rose School
This was the school my mom found online. It’s based outside of St. Louis, Mo., roughly 6 hours from my house and the second school I looked into attending. Once I had watched their video, read their course overview and received their e-mail pamphlet I was pretty much hooked. This was the WINNER! Hands on training, you have to get two dogs while your there to train, dorm rooms, option to go to masters course (after graduation). It all seemed perfect! A bit expensive, $13,475. Yikes! I had scheduled a campus visit after my return home from Montana and re-requested a new information DVD from them since the one they sent me was blank. The lady scheduled my appt., told me they made a NEW training DVD and they would send me a copy. She was really quite helpful and polite! I had a great feeling about this place! After a couple of weeks still no DVD. Oh well! I have this tour to look forward to! Not. I called to confirm my appt. a few days before arrival and was redirected to voice mail, left message. No call back. Called again, left another message. They finally called me back the day of my scheduled appointment, and wanted to schedule an appointment with me. They didn’t even remember me setting one up. Hummmm… Now that’s playing hard to get! Yeesh! I tried to find any reviews of this school and pulled up zilch. Almost no information at all. Hummm. Now, I was so excited about this place I guess I was a bit “blind” when I looked at their videos and information. Since I couldn’t find any information I started going over their site with a fine tooth comb. When I finally opened my mind and eyes I was not at all excited about what I saw. Shock Collars being used with prong collars at the same time on most dogs and shock collars on puppies and pretty much every dog for that matter. Oh boy, I am open to learning different training methods but this seems harsh. I just cannot bring myself to ever consider using these methods in such extremes. Also their Facebook page (The Dog House/training classes for dogs) had a TON of people complaining about pictures of puppies with the shock collars and dogs wearing both prong and shock. A LOT of people. I decided with this bad publicity and because of my own personal feeling towards this, it’s no shocker, I’m gonna have to choke out. 😦

Karen Pryor Academy
I was pretty interested in KPA! Looked like a great program but I’m not to big on the “online” schools. We all have our own learning styles and mine is visual\tactile, I need a classroom and an instructor and motivation. I’m not the best at teaching myself so to speak. They also do four, two-day work shops in St. Louis. That kind of eased my fears of the online portion of it all. I wasn’t just going to rule this one out though. I had been following one of their graduates/teaching staffs blog for a while and loved her approach on training. She just made sense! I shot her an email and received a very nice reply giving me the skinny on things to look into and ideas on where to start. She had such great things to say about KPA that I just couldn’t dismiss it yet. The cost of the program is $5,300. The price is much more manageable. All in all it looked really great but I just couldn’t get excited about it. Only because I’m nervous it’s not going to match my own personal learning style. Plus I’m not to big on having to drive to St. Louis four different times in the span of 5 months. I haven’t found one bad review of the place or see any treatment I don’t like. It’s all positive reinforcement training (clicker training). That is a big plus for me! I love the whole concept of this program! Just wish it was classroom style. They do offer you a preview of the online courses (free) so you can test drive before you buy. The set up is great and user-friendly. It’s really better than I thought it would be. Maybe I will need to get my clicker ready, could this be the one?

Starmark Academy
I was digging deeper into researching schools when I randomly came across this site about a week ago. I had an idea of what kind of school I was looking for and when this fell in my lap I gotta say, I was pretty excited. Starmark is located in Austin, Tx. Roughly 8 hours from my house. I’m not thrilled with the location, I’m a sissy when it comes to heat. But this place is EXACTLY what I was looking for. The campus has dorms, huge indoor training facility, outdoor training grounds, 2mi wooded hiking trail with obstacles, doggy swimming pool, lakes, looooots of land to train on and 200 kennel boarding facility. Why 200 kennels? Well, not only do the board dogs (as a business) but they foster homeless dogs that students get assigned to train to make them more likely to get a home! Now remember me saying how I wanted to work with homeless/neglected animals?! BAM!!! Perfect fit! Their training styles are humane and diverse. You also work with the kennel to get training on how to own and operate one if you have the desire to do so. Their class schedule is intense and jam-packed but that’s exactly what I was looking for! They also host a lot of shows, expos and workshops on the weekends that students are encouraged to attend. You are 100% immersed into all things dogs and it looks awesome! There are a lot of requirements for enrolling, FBI Background Check (12 week waiting period) you have to acquire yourself. I’m going to the local police department this week to get a copy of my fingerprints to send off. Copies of your high school transcripts, two letters of recommendation, an essay you need to write and an on phone interview before you can be accepted. It’s nice to know they don’t just take just anyone there. I will be surrounded by people who truly do have the same passion as me! Neat! They are a little pricey $9,795 dollars plus $1,560-$1,860 for housing and $300-$500 for supplies. Once you factor in living expenses I’m guessing it’s gonna run me about $15,000. :0 woah! I’m not phased, you get what you pay for and I’m sure this is going to be great! Time to start pinching penny’s and start saving every penny I make. They also offer student loans through SallyMae but I don’t want to start my path towards my career in debt, so it’s gonna be lots of ramen noodles for this girl! Classes start July 20, 2015. That’s plenty of time to save and prepare. Now, I need to get started on my application and paperwork. Fingers and paws crossed I get accepted. I’ll keep you posted on all the 411 along the way.


  1. Did you end up attending Starmark? I am looking at using Chapter 32 benefits through VA vocational rehabilitation and am very interested in this school! Let me know.

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